Sunday, December 04, 2005

They took the ocean and put it in a bottle, and the fish between two halves of a bun...

I went to McD's the other day and grabbed their "ocean"-something meal. It came with a double filet-o-fish burger and this oceany drink, essentially sprite, some other shit, and bits of pineapple. For North Americans, bits of REAL pineapple sounds like an inviting, and almost impossible (for McD's, anyway) prospect, but its not as cool as it sounds. The bits come into your mouth while you're sucking through the straw and I find it a bit annoying. I think that many Asians would like this drink though, seeing the number of drinks they have with solid stuff in them (faluda, nutty lassi, the Thai and Malaysian drinks with rice noodles etc.). But doesn't the colour of the drink remind you of like ... Koh Phi Phi (Phi Phi Islands) water?


Blogger Loy said...

Yech! I know what you're saying about McDs. Go to google, images, and search for phi phi islands. If your heart doesn't stop at the wonderful images, drop me a line! See ya

7:07 p.m.  

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