Saturday, December 03, 2005

A Raw Deal: Having your car broken into...

To each his own; some people consider something to be traumatic, while to others it may be just nothing. I have mixed feelings about having my car being broken into, part of it is being a little rattled that any sort of crime can hit so close to home, and another part is just being happy that it wasn't worse. That latter part of me is also happy because it knows the burglars were quite stupid: a key to my other car was on the dash, parked just 3 cars away. I still don't know how much a new window will cost me, but seeing a huge number of people substitute garbage bags for windows has me believing its kick-in-the-crotch expensive. I've taken a series of pictures, and I'll explain them here in numerological order.
(i) The external shot of the broken window. The window was shattered, but did not break away due to the lamination. It did so only after the door was closed, and I took pictures afterwards. The X marks the spot where an object, or hand was inserted to be able to unlock the door.
(ii) The dirt marks around the window frame suggest that a stone encrusted with the mud found in the immediate area was probably the object used to shatter the window. The rubber seal along the bottom edge of the window, near its right corner is also cut or removed. This might mean that they tried to jimmy the lock with a coat hangar or something unsuccessfully.
(iii) I've circled in red further evidence of the rock or stone as the object that shattered the window. This fresh mud probably fell from the encrusted rock.
(iv) This picture indicates that the thieves most likely came with wire cutters or sharp scissors beforehand. They've cut the wires very cleanly, something that is nearly impossible with a knife.
(v) They came for the stereo head unit, it seems. In a way, the joke's on them, as it doesn't play tapes, only radio. I don't think it functions without its equalizer either. They seem to have had some trouble getting it out, because you can see the bent side panel in the background. The circled object is a clean cut wire.
(vi) They attempted to take the equalizer unit (positioned higher on the dash) as well, by trying to gain access to it by the ... window defroster?
(vii) The equalizer unit is still very much present, although the face has been sorta bent. It looks as if they gave up on this piece.
Whoever broke into my car and stole my head unit, I'd sincerely like to say to you: Fuck you, and FUCK everything you're about.


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