Thursday, December 01, 2005

The cheese wouldn't cut ...

It seems like, get ready for an oft overused cliche ... there aren't enough hours in the day! I usually get up kinda late, take some time to adjust myself to my wake-state environment, force myself to go to class or do whatever bullshit chores I have to do (pay a bill, go grocery shopping, that sorta shit) and by the time I get home and start relaxing, it seems that its time I sleep again for fear of not being able to get up for the next day's classes. Something is wrong here. If, as some say, God made day for work, and night for rest, then why is night better to chill in? I got my gas hooked up a couple of days back, but I came home with a gas stove today to connect to it. I figured it should be a relatively painless affair, where I simply connect he tube from the wall outlet to the stove. Ah, but I was so wrong! Some sort of bug came through the pipe along with the gas, as I was able to observe its progress through the translucent tube. It appeared to struggle for life, somehow seeming to know that if it let go it would be pushed up into the burner where a flame would exist. I think it was the bug's lucky day, because the damn burner wouldn't light. I could feel some sort of gas coming through the little wholes on the burner, and I could hear it too, but it just wouldn't light! I even tried a lighter. Now, using the ideas of logical deduction, the burner cannot have a defect, otherwise I would not feel the gas coming through the holes nor would I hear it, and I wouldn't be able to see the spark either. However, the bug's life (no relation to the movie) and said stove did not really seem to follow the rails of logic. Finally it somehow started to catch fire, but the flame was so small that I couldn't cook on it. What a shame, had to make some spaghetti-and-bolognaise in the microwave, which actually turned out great (maybe it was the Parmesan sprinkled over the top!). We were playing with the gas so much, that I was afraid to turn the wheel on the lighter. I wonder if a lot of farting can have the same effect as letting the natural gas run for a while. After all, couldn't fart gas (methane) be considered "natural gas" as well?


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