White ppl have a superiority complex for no reason, and it seems Malaysians have an inferiority complex for no reason...
White people, and by that I mean Brits, Australians and then Americans and Canadians, in that order, seem to think that they're better than the people around them. At least in many parts of Asia. Now, of course, this doesn't apply to all of them, but to an astounding number of them. Why this is the case is a bit of a mystery, and usually this subject is too touchy for anyone to actually find out, but here's my theory. I blame the Brits. The Australians and the white people in the US and Canada originate from the British, and the British have long been known as barbaric, racist people. I was reading a classic novel the other day, "The Lost World" by Sir (don't get me started on the "SIR" prefix) Arthur Conan Doyle, and noticed the style in which it was written. It very explicitly states that the British at the time (early 1920s) considered themselves to be the "finest product of modern European civilization" (a direct quote!) and everyone else, especially those smaller in stature, darker in colour and speaking a language other than English to be "animalistic savages." We saw with the British rule in India, something they happily call "The Raj," literally meaning "the reign," that they loved to make rules and have them apply to people at large, but not to them when the situation dictatated so. We find this in modern-day white-guy US and Canada too, with the overdone parking fines and "you can't park here" and "you can't do that" and "state your business in the US" and "what are you doing in your car at this time of night?" -type of nonsense. They like to live in a fantasy world where they're super civilized to the point of perhaps not being human or having any emotionally-driven tendancies whatsoever. They like to pretend that they live in a results-driven society, when its actually more about "looking busy" than being busy. American businesspeople always tried to be cold and unbiased when selecting whom to do business with, and have long believed this to be "the way business is." Well, Japanese businessmen did business a totally different way, a very wholesome and humane way, a way in which a firm handshake would be stronger than any contract, and a needy man would be prioritized above a wealthy man. Look at where thats gotten them ... bad position, huh? I remember my third grade teacher, Mrs. Hull, who, while scolding me for something ridiculous (presumably, since i don't remember) would every so often say "Young man, don't you dare roll your eyes at me!" I wasn't consciously rolling my eyes at her, in fact, for a while, I had no clue what the hell she was talking about. What does all this ranting mean? It just means that the effect of the Brits hasn't worn off yet ... these people still think they're more civilized than others. Whats interesting is that underneath, society has propelled them to become quite the opposite. The interesting thing is that Malaysian people have the opposite complex. They feel inferior, both about themselves and their country. I really think they are the ones who should be egotistical about their country, not ashamed of it. Growing from humble roots to a fast-paced country in a relatively short time, Malaysia has accomplished what many of its neighbours have not been able to. Generally speaking, Malaysia has excellent infrastructure of all types, for example, the water supply. The water supply in Malaysia is clean enough for anyone to drink from the tap, just like the west, but Malaysians aren't really aware of this. Their highways are better in every way than our Canadian highways, but they're not aware of it. As Mahathir proclaims, the BM language is a bit of a barrier for social development as its very small and restrictive (try saying "double overhead camshafts and variable valve timing" in BM!) and actually this is precisely the area where Malaysia needs to kick it up a notch. When Singapore was formed, they had a love-it-or-hate-it social development plan that, in the end, worked beautifully. Singapore has gone from even more humble roots than Malaysia to a 1st-world, fully developed nation thats ranked #1 for ICT infrastructure and in the top 5 for business competitiveness by the world economic forum. And guess what? Even though Singaporeans have all the money and living standard of the west, they don't have that huge racist ego present in the foundations of the western world. On a lighter note, in Canada at least, they know this, and discrimination is taken very seriously. Racism in Canada is practically nonexistent, something which very few countries can make claim to.
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