The nerds really are taking over!
Whats up with everyone coming to an exam ridiculously early, bringing an absurd number of writing utensils, and just trying to look all "proper?" Do they actually think that will help them do better on the exam? People often assume that I fail exams miserably because I tend to finish exams unbelievable fast. Often times I'll only be a few minutes, especially with social science type subjects or those that have pure regurgitation and multiple choice questions. My personal best is actually finishing the exam in the 5 minutes at the beginning that they give you to read. I either come with no pen or one pen (I like to borrow a pen from people at exams, because I know they all carry like 15 too many, and they check to make sure they work and everything! Quality and Selection!), and I arrive at the exam just a couple of minutes before it starts. Why come earlier? Just so you can sit there and anticipate how much you'll mess it up? And afterwards ... is there a point to sitting around? Is an answer going to magically descend on you, or will something SUDDENLY make sense? Jokes!
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