Monday, December 26, 2005

I found a real live elf!! No, wait ... just an Asian guy...

This little elf, err, Asian guy was doing gift wrapping at Parkson's, a department store in Malaysia. Never before though, have I seen such crappy gift wrapping skills. This guy was actually fashioning bags from sheets of wrapping paper! In the end, everything looked like a cheerful Mcdonald's take away bag! I'm like, "yo, buddy ... don't you have any boxes?" The guy's like they cost RM 22 +. Seriously? More than CDN$7 for a fucking box???? This guy has a career persona totally befitting a Mcdonald's drive-thru guy - he's clearly in the wrong field (I can just picture this guy at a shrink's place ... "your bags are inner cries for salvation and replacement in a healthy Mcdonald's drive-thru environment").


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